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$100,000.00 Mask

Look Away, is a Berkeley California “Mask-a-Palooza” entry project’s documentation passionately archived into the simplest terms by CEMoore. The goal is to create a dialog and perhaps expand the lowest common basic knowledge and the highest Academic professional realms with unique informative content displaying insight as to why Berkeley Arts Council located in West Virginia is selling during COVID-19 and #BLM a mask priced at $100,000.00. It is helpful to process these entries are time based written assuming any viewer will glance each entry to follow the thought process embedded. The biggest variable presented is the valued human life has a price tag established in 2020 as $50,000.00. Black Lives Matters is woven into our collective global mask wearing reality because Africa's descendants lives aren't valued at all not even in or after death. Dr. MLK Jr. fully made World Peace and was murdered. Looks like people are very comfortable using let's just look away. Use your heart and then apply your brain reading all content, please enjoy it. (All edits fix clarify and remove typos they may refine content so that concepts can be processed by any viewer easily). Also an error in referencing Dr. Rumford's achievements as the first West Coast PhD that is Dr. Ellis Knox who inspired William Byron Rumford's education as California's first black Legislator. The reference to any PhD properly should be attributed to his son Dr. William Byron Rumford Jr. herein. Nonetheless, please understand this website fortifies Black People are giving him an honorary degree as Doctor. Thus we openly accept any error elevating his HONOR. We own this mistake holding excessive respect for this man his life and efforts trying to maintain healthy space building black Berkeley, CA community.

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2023 The fact that there is a recognized MLK Day that Government halts all business upon has to be recognized beyond any individual...

Attorneys Art Lawyers Legally

FYI: District 3 where this Rumford Landmark statue sits houses: 2022 serial rapist, Meth Lab Mafia, Murders and it protects Alumni...

Stockholm Syndrome

Untrained artist Dr. Dana King with her City of Berkeley funded sculpture that caters to chicken stuck in the road jokes. Trained wet...

Artists Think

This entry photos taken and written May 18th back dated to emphasis dissecting Sink Owe Day My Owe. Personally I am disgusted that a...

Oh Guess What…

This entry is dated the 17th to honor Dr. Rev. MLK Jr. the holiday the man’s birthday life etc. However it is written a week later. I...


Less than ten blocks away from Sacramento Street there is a brand new play structure at San Pablo Park. This image is used herein because...

Public Art Humor

This sign perfectly describes the neglect and abuse South Berkeley holds caring about black people’s lives locally.

Blink Once Moor

My family’s roots started in Sacramento. My mother’s mother my grandmother is from there. In 1936 a wheelchair veteran killed her mother...

Springs' Holy Holidays

Why did a black man invent the traffic signal❓Huge global data so that black people didn’t have to play chicken crossing any road⚠️...

DOCTOR plaque toothed N words🆗

I personally made adjustments to this website to emphasize my efforts to fully respect Dr. William Byron Rumford Jr. while misinformed...

Black History

Today is the second day of February. This means we are in Black People’s History Month day two. This entry is an attempt to hone...

ROOTS prBLM Œ means what again?

The colored pencils mark tulips that are growing. Berkeley's landscaping pulled them last year it would be really nice if they left them...

Dear Humans...

Correct reading comprehension is so abysmal unable to fathom beyond career positioning that life is over filled with lack of care. I am a...

Is there a doctor in the house?

Dr. Rumford's statue wearing a handmade canvas black plague mask with heart eyes. BLM Motivation cards on watercolor paper The cards are...

2021 Impossible Miracles 💯%®️🆙

Unbelievable. I have been waiting to see what was happening with the home improvement business that was located directly across from Dr....

Elevate: This Escalator Goes 🆙

Double check defacing causes damages and costs to make repairs. Removable items demand viewers THINK outside their comfort zone. We are...

Humans Do Any Think or Adjust Assume?

So I see the traffic loading into this site.

Call & Response

Trinity the factors someone removes what I put out I come back with more relentlessnessly, simple. These items were present in the...

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Extinction is caused using intentional planning.

An eye ahead the yoke of chattel slavery having a BFA: Sculpture from the University of Colorado. My veiled tones reverberate echoes using my MA: Art & Consciousness from John F. Kennedy University. 

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Citrus Fruit

As a Section 8 tenant I find my landlord's suggestion that I place my silversmith bench open air outside insulting to poor people's capacity.

Racism is Business as Usual.

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Berkeley California - Berkeley West Virginia

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