This entry is dated the 17th to honor Dr. Rev. MLK Jr. the holiday the man’s birthday life etc. However it is written a week later. I wanted to really reflect using time.
I did find an email by the Berkeleyside online article author a year later in an email address that I barely use. I could not have responded to what was written because it indicated that she was clueless. No one can have a discussion if someone cannot process all the variables from all angles.
No one really has any regard for Art Education or Community which emphasizes why the black community cannot trust itself. All the financially stable black families have already moved on and thrive somewhere else. Solutions require hands on applications and there is no one invested local in this City with any real regard for others that actually cares.
The real truth is black businesses on or under local Historical Landmarks emphasizes unsupported staples reviewing black health and gospel music. Greed doesn’t see any wrong doings to others nor does it give up a thing to make things right. Black people thrive iff the concept hustle no one cares if crap is presented because that is all that is pushed along as acceptable anyways The standard is set. To change expectations it requires depth and precision to shake this rotten mold. People might reread Dr. King’s Nobel Prize works there is real reasoning why it won.
Some pictures to show the lack of care given the weak surrounding businesses and flat mural art. It takes time and money to paint photorealistic imagery. The fact the building behind the mural there is empty to hold a week mural is whole other agenda…
This is a former black owned business property. Personally I have added it here to display how crap is thrown up as better than a busted business that was forced into closing. Pretty sadistic choices used to display wild seedy ideas taking over ”abandon” or “unused” space.