I have been plotting for two almost three months trying to figure out how to write this out. The biggest difficult variable is presenting ignored facts that people don’t want to examine or think about. Luckily W. Kamau Bell has made a Showtime four part documentary discussing Bill Cosby’s American Dad image as a real rapist called We Need to Talk About Cosby. I have only seen one episode in part and I was glad to see the exposure. The real truth is we know as a society rape is wrong. However rape as an act with no victim it is slightly condoned legally. I am writing that it is condoned because the punishment is actually lucrative for the system seeing crime pays. What I am implying is the system only holds rape as wrong because citizens don’t like it. The outcome for the system is the offender has to pay into the system after being caught. There is no real deterrent. The person is suppose to find self control from jail and paying fines only. If any know the beginnings of Bill Cosby’s success his Spanish Fly Routine is a recorded bit found on an album mainstreamed that drugging victims is a boy’s best kept secret. Making something hidden revealed is part of the great success being funny. As an example most people do not know Paul Mooney had a White wife despite thinking he was comedy's most militant Black guy. Just reviewing that there are sixty victims we should analyze how Bill Cosby has atoned. Dr. Bill Cosby has aggressively pursued being validated seeing he has 59 honorary degrees. These honorary titles are bought to undermine people who actually study to acquire career positioning. There isn’t any formal learning institution doing a thing for free every action has accounts receiving payments in full. Today’s comedians are like news broadcasters. The W. used in Kamau Bell’s name stands for Walter. His Showtime documentary of Bill Cosby as a series makes him a Black broadcaster version of the 60 Minutes closing reporter Walter Cronkite.
I have to bring Emmett Till into this because my Congresswoman Barbara Lee uses his killing and name frequently as if his life is suppose to hold a reminder for someone besides White guilt. Seeing that Bill Cosby has a formed habit of making victims and he was cognitive and aware during the time/era that murder of Emmett Till occurred I believe any reading comprehension can conclude that actual Black celebrity/fame doesn’t care at all. Unfortunately Emmett Till’s cruel murder is a distraction that re-emphasizes how disposable Black People's lives are even more so right now presently today. Black People are targeted by the police because all Black People are assumed bad or criminal if not married to a White or Other Nationality person. Emmett Till was killed for just whistling. Emmett Till's murder is glossed over forever. Once we marry a White person or Any Other Race Color other than Black then we are deemed acceptable to make money using very political approaches. This localized Bay Area pattern can be viewed simply following 2022 Vice President Kamala Harris’ life choices and professional career moves. Seeing that she hasn’t physically reproduced actual life as a mother her positioning mirrors the surrogacy of a wet nurse relationship formed during America's slavery being in the big house serving the boss man known as Mass-A. Currently today's surrogate mothers are a caste system working locally as well as abroad internationally. Anyone trying to understand race color and the plight of Black People should read Isabelle Wilkerson’s book titled Caste. Her story as an elite New York Times newspaper reporter being treated abysmally just for being Black isn’t isolated to just her individual circumstances. Blacks are actual real people who own rapist.
Real Black People own rapist because no one is really about helping anyone else other than self to do or advance anything known as make actual venture. Again the only option validated is marrying White or Other Nationalities. Blacks pursuing formalized education is a complete debt based financial waste. Currently Professional Art is being exploited by secondary careers whose artistic endeavors are all ego and competition based output. The biggest eye sore indicator is that people are living in shanty tent towns in the biggest local cities amongst the vivid array of murals. The actual sculpture art produced is marginal and visually boring work that typically caters to ill formed stereotypes. Downtown Oakland's Latham Plaza houses a cartoon bust of Breonna Taylor that looks like she is wearing a facial S&M ball gag mask. It is very easy to make a great photograph of crap and make it appear intriguing that is why people hire photographers.

Photo found using Google NBC news article about it being actually defaced. Leo
Carson is kitchen operator. He is not properly trained nor does he value Black features properly. He received this commission because his kitchen had closed is what I read. I am suggesting any reader compare and contrast these two images. And more money is being wasted making a larger replica of the broken original eye sore. The fact that this chef can cook up this same looking sculpture again emphasizes Black women well be best suited marrying a White man. No self love to be found gazing at his mountain of clay making the same errors presented before. Also reemphasizes it is a waste to go to school at all for anything. Enjoy being fu©️ked is the overall message produced by any amateurs that art exalted as actual artists.

Image found online:
And to emphasis how her actual beauty is missed reviewing the Oakland Leo Carson sculptures here are actual photos found using Google:
During Covid-19 I wrote Congresswoman Barbara Lee an email to inform her that art is not a competition seeing she had a High School Art Contest posted on her website. The idea that talent can be compared and awarded as such really removes the act of making work that holds valuable community intentions. Professional Art is suppose to invigorate actual economics and community thinking. Art produced for a competition is only theme based targeted work. Real Professional Art creates actual financial holdings that increase in value over time. Any art contest is usually designed to showcase a small body of talent without intentionally selecting the winner using exclusiveness. A contest allows the judges to compare only those who know the contest is being held. It is a devised method to pretend there is no bias.
Recently in May 2022 the only Black man residing in my building my neighbor Tommy Giles became the Bay Area’s newest apprehended serial sex offender rapist. Google his name and story because the most compelling thing is that it the news reads like he attacked his last victim after being released by Berkeley Police on bail. He and his wife have my landlord’s sublime favoritism which is condoning energy like these two people are the ideal example or model the perfect childless couple. Black People only get to be really good or really bad. Personally I don’t like either this good or bad positioning I prefer smart over being dumb. Black People own a history of being either good and bad which can be traced to specifically to Huntsville, Alabama in the late 1800s. This is where the American Silk industry was going to be spawned. The mysterious death of Ruth Lowery and her father’s Samuel Lowery's advanced legal career as the fifth Black attorney is very telling if any use math adding up basic logic. A father’s sacrifice was made to advance his self.
This is the only maneuvering Black People hold and it is called “selling out.” This is the actual business goal for any viable legitimate or illegal business. Seeing that Africa’s longtime American descendant citizens hold no property or collective generational wealth outside of being consumers no value is ever ascribed. This is why police casually shoot Black People first and are not held accountable by the system at all. Specifically Black men are assumed guilty automatically using just a glance. It is assumed there is a low level intelligence consistently. Given that the word “giles” in Spanish translates literally as stupid I think humans should know one’s self as if that self was a scientist. Personally I was attacked by Tommy Giles. The police confirmed my physical attack identifing me as an impoverished single Black mother. The incident was marginalized and trivialized to be reported as a simple domestic disturbance reviewing the police document. There are no laws protecting poor people that are enforced unless they receive government payments that have a loss operating.
The police use Passim Law approaching any and every scene. It isn’t on the books openly. Passim Law is basically a judgement call handling a person's appearance finances and status. Passim Law was devised in Louisiana to handle mixed cultural races; if an individual is determined as poor they hold no value to protect and can be removed from the story booking evidence being treated poorly. Human rights are violated with ease and there is no one to protect or honor these indigent rights because there isn’t any financial value to protect. Poor Black People are expendable meaning their lives are already trashable & disregarded. The biggest roadblock that Black People deal with nonstop is that other humans respond to whatever is written expressed spoken or exchanged as words that the actual exchange cannot be processed or comprehended. This lack of empathy and lack of compassion is the basic cause and effect of why Black People commit crimes. Personally I am counting Black family and friends murdered like there is a mystery gift prize awarded before I die. It is sickening to me that no one grasps this murder concept until they too are counting needlessly destroyed lives.
Final Thoughts: Passim Law can be found in “Police and Modern Society.” This 1936 signed book that I found in Berkeley's Public Library was written by former police Chief and Criminology Professor August Vollmer. This book details all the problems then that police had being actually effective. As well his 1937 book Crime Crooks & Cops coauthored with Alfred Parker outlines the very corrupt facets of dealing with elected government offices which confirms the problems are visibly ignored intentionally and ongoing. The first chapter in Crime Crooks & Cops is titled "Crime Detection is an Art" this specific wording exacts why I bought and read the book.
What I would like anyone to take away from reading this is: "Criminals do not know they have committed any crime whatsoever until after they have been caught."(quote me.) If they are not caught ever the ill act is justified as successful in their mind. Whatever criminal act someone does or makes is based off competition and them trying to win or sell out the content. Crime is cash based fines and cash based rewards. The richest criminals acquire power and privilege. Wealthy crimes do not get caught or stopped unless the loss is noticeable. Thus the behavior is normalized using a cliché, “Don’t knock someone’s hustle.”
The last thing that needs to be added is that in 1978 the City of Berkeley had a Black man serial rapist that the police named Stinky. Just glancing the information my understanding is that Stinky was never caught or charged for raping Berkeley Black women. His terror was so severe he actually raped the Black female reporter that covered the actual story. My point is that if Tommy Giles was raping Black women he would have never been apprehended or caught because Black women being raped isn’t a police priority at all. The only sole reason Tommy Giles was caught was because I turned him in. He attacked me and that was not handled properly at all because it wouldn't pay out. I’m not mentioned anywhere in any news because my worthiness was already previously defamed by the retired reporter artist and honorary PhD recipient Dr. Dana King.
If any Google my name and Rumford a Berkeleyside article should emerge. January 2021 Dr. King made a competitive based response statement in Berkeleyside's original online printed article for me "to get your own statue" despite comprehending my writing and regarding my extensive expensive formal education. If any look at her first sculpture funded by the City of Berkeley many things are wrong. The easiest to point out is her name with her birth year is floating spaciously to be read first before the first Black California State legislator's name on the plaque as any hurry across the street which shows intentional poor design. This thoughtlessness is how Berkeley’s Civic Art Organization Executive Director doesn’t desire care at all. I can claim and make this exertion seeing Civic Arts held a contest for a $100,000.00 work that was installed on the Highway for a few years. And then ripped the installation out due to weathering. The logic and sense of Public Art is to invest purchasing quality works to maintain building community not produce ongoing disposable income developing elite hobbyist.

Dr. King isn't a talented bigger entity or more relevant persona. If the statue was worthy on its own she could have signed the heel and kept her ego off the read completely. The actual metal Art is so poor in form it screams an inside dinner party among good friends sharing capitalizing just desserts. Having a trained eye specifically for sculpture there are numerous things that bother me. The form is fine re•emphasizing people don't care. The actual bronze sculpture centered in a crosswalk rapes the neighboring Black part of the community physically being stuck in the middle of the road. The concept being stuck has long time phrases attached. Negro Black People did hold a meeting deciding chicken would be our choice meat eaten. Why? Because “n word” jokes being stuck in the road became chicken stuck in the middle of the road jokes expanding the popularized phrases. The logic required to destroy apathy is very simply presented herein. In conclusion Black People need new caring thoughts that reflect the deepest regard immediately beyond what has been already been deemed as "Uncle Ben" taught about especially given the actual "Uncle Tom" caved in accommodations. Unlearning is required. The novel Uncle Tom's Cabin was celebrated and considered the best writing oddly enough Harry Potter Series mimics the minds blown reviewing story. Basic actual collective humanity requires more than thoughtless efforts that produce the same nothingness keeping wealth up and poverty down.

William Byron Rumford Sr. Plaza is operated by the John Stewart Company located in San Francisco. I added this picture because the current COO's highest degree obtained is a Master of Arts this exacts the highest degree I posses as well. It is unique synchronicity that his last name is Schwartz & is the same as the photographer who initiated the article that Berkeleyside published about me putting a skull death facial Covid-19 mask on politician who fought as a pharmacist being concerned with the black life vitality. Schwartz translated means black.
Additional Synchronicity: I do believe that anyone reading this will know the comedian Jon Stewart. The name is the same sound (a homophone) different first name spelling comparing the the Housing Company mentioned. Jon Stewart functioned building The Daily Show a staple as a longtime comedy caster on Comedy Central Network paired with that Trevor Noah is his replacement currently as Comedy's Top Funny News Reports guy.
Aside: Written September 19, 2022 and back dated to August 23, 2022 to emphasize the United Nations' International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition.

Digitally modified using PicsArt app this original Bill Cosby image was found using Goggle and obtained from his public Twitter account.
Link below is my website about the William Byron Rumford Sr. bronze statue and why I used it. https://cezmoore.wixsite.com/lookaway
My own Downtown Oakland visual imagery photos
taken Tuesday October 18, 2022
November 21, 2022 edit:
Last month I had a total recall that the book Soul on Ice framed this exact logic.
