Today May 21 in American History is the anniversary of establishing foundation of the American Red Cross which provides a list of life saving skills & disaster relief internationally.
What is really hard besides Oakland people being commissioned for local works is that most of these people are untrained. They spray paint their egos and this crew put up theirs. None are impressed only the owner feels the watered down vibe.
Personally I think Berkeley needs an Art Guild and every art piece in this town fabricated by any who don’t actually live here needs refacing.
This actual laundry mat business is a drag big time. The owner could not hear herself blame the actual community for why she didn’t have her machines cleared and working delivering quarters the first three hours open. Personally I won’t be using this business at all ever again.
The actual treatment of black people in this neighborhood is a complete nightmare. The largest market on Sacramento actually belittles customers jokingly nonstop. I experienced this treatment first hand and it isn’t funny or cute. I’m do not shop there anymore.

Any can see there is a bone color paint painted by me that said BOWELS strike bowl. And now this hot pink math 4N words dreams. I don’t like defacing at all. I did this because everyone is taking it in and this paint doesn’t juice excite or invigorate anything but being sedated.
Delta 9 on the truck and the curb. All of a sudden this chair is placed in the median. I spoke with a resident near this site the tag Delta 9 had no mass awareness meaning. Understanding the smoke shop with Yemen owners advertises Delta 8 the tag DELTA9 makes some sense but is an exclusive market and the profits don’t benefit the black community at all.

At night the smoke shop next door to the methadone clinic is the only business beaming and it appears to project extra.

The Shrimp Taco truck company that I have painted in my neighborhood has several locations. And the most important variable to see is the low key the tags are here. So the owner is use to these random tags. And whatever is happening hasn’t disrupted business at all for him. I actually am certain the Simpson’s paint has popularized it because it stays busy. When people tell me they want to pay me and don’t just handover the money they are lying. The taco truck owner left his generator forgot it. I called him he took the money that he placed in my hand and gave it to a man living in his car to make peace because he felt he found the generator despite my actual phone call to the owner.
I was asked what solutions do I bring to the table. Dumb is functioning well. Therefore intelligence has to be raised a lot first.
Personal Perspective How I Exist: On a very extremely personal level I have a Chinese landlord for 17 years who controls rental property like monopoly pieces. He told me he is a CAL MBA graduate when being nice and friendly. But now today he struggles with English as I try to exert how my rights and daily safety have been abused. The only other single woman in the building has had her parking space taken over. Daily I experience nonstop micro aggressions because I will not yield my parking space to any. The simplest factor to my housing is that my landlord’s acceptable lease is written to precisely and intentional to exploit me as a single mother with no car space whenever he sees fit. The single black woman with no support “empty nest syndrome” mine is looking like major unmasked hazardous Covid-19 fallout.