Horns fully Spring sprung! Let me establish that I am describing and comparing things that I believe are overlooked not thought about openly. I hold a very expensive trained gaze that unsupported views seeing things differently. I can firmly state my eyes map any data. I am making comparisons because there’s an automatic human pattern to deny cognitively anything. Maintaining this void is ongoing blind energy that manifests the outcome that ignorance is bliss. Humans function using a very limited lexicon and not much has changed as far as longterm goals and outcomes given all of time. 2022 our pandemic Covid-19 reality is such that humans need to fuel the word know before using no. The word know is made up encasing the two lettered word no inside as the middle. We all have to know as much as possible before saying using or applying no especially dissecting Africa’s descendants who have unspeakable traumas unseen emotional physical and financial limits functioning. Everyone has to be empowered to pursue a quality life. Currently humanity is on a want to be famous colorless pursuit holding quantity based life that is only values buying power of money and demanding attention using any media.

I believe it is super crucial to examine that today was Leonardo da Vinci’s birthday in April 15, 1452. That is 570 years ago. It is perfect symbolic numerical synchronicity that at the time 1492 the Americas invasion by the Columbus’ voyage Leonardo was precisely age forty. I am honing my focus using da Vinci because he is the most ideal creative man and I believe black people are pushed to be the most ideal humans fixing things while excluded. Leonardo da Vinci is the top most desired visual creative pursuer. He is revered as a Jesus like son of the God of design as Polymath’s Master. And I make such a description because the very first slave ship to sail was named Jesus and the first American built slave ship was named Desire. It is important to understand this number forty because black people were given this idea of a deal a “pay back” to freedom from slavery that never materialized owing each person forty acres and a mule. It is easy to bring Leonardo into any discussion about enslavement because despite his great works he was the child of a servant maid and a notably wealthy father. The exact year he was born 1452 basically Ottoman conquered over threw Constantinople. Leonardo was able to develop his talents to the greatest capacity. However it is my understanding that he died broke under French housing and care as an Italian trying to find a buyer for his Mona Lisa painting.

Given the fame and notoriety that the Mona Lisa painting holds today the real information is convoluted by endless grand speculations overlooking no one wanted to support or buy this painting while he was alive. As someone who is trained to process Fine Art and every aspect of current Professional Art I find it extremely compelling that he passionately kept trying to find actual buyers with no success. To me this implies he was hyper focused but those who held the money purse as others didn’t get the painting or him really. To me this vague understanding creating a mystery means this woman wasn’t that important. What is perhaps the most important factor is her 3/4 quarters facing pose. This quartered aspect is the life of a slave because slaves were housed in slave quarters. Today in 2022 black people who think they are aware of themselves have an awareness that their ancestors were enslaved. There is a Southern South side imprinted on belonging knowing where one comes from without living in any actual Southern States because this intent has been mapped onto other cities like where I live in Berkeley, CA.
Leonardo was constantly exposing the anatomy of human tissue inner workings of the still life body. His notebooks are him probing his own mind to display life and observations studied form of mystery. This belonging to a valued physical body is something the enslave awareness holds. His drawings and sketches are a collection body or work for all time because there was clearly intent to make exactly what we behold as such. Recently under President Trump ruling the Republicans dropped the idea of placing Harriet Tubman‘s image on a $20.00 twenty dollar bill. This idea it was proposed openly to the public using the media news. Under the Democrats President Biden a Maya Angelou quarter is the actual minted produced outcome of any first black person being on currency. Examining this $19.75 nineteen dollars and seventy-five valued gap between a twenty dollar bill and a single quarter needs to be defined as “the milk room.” This idea of having an actual slave to handle the process of any milk has been completely abandoned as lost.

What I would like any reader to grasp is that prior to emancipating slaves the plantation held everything that the slave needed to survive their whole entire life birth to death. The slave quarters which allowed housing and feeding one’s self as a slave had specific rooms like a meat room a milk room laundry eating and sleeping spaces. This specific idea of different spaces of the plantation quarters were turned into actual industries of commerce making the only decency being good consumers. The milk room and the meat room were transformed into two other arenas. The idea of drying curing butchering meat is the sliced process found at any meat counter or deli counter in a grocery store. The meat market is where deals are exchanged not just pork chicken beef or hamburger meat are sliced steaks.
Steaks as the physical meat field is a metaphor of doubled speak addressing meetings of stakes staked making business supporting ongoing sustainability. Holding any stocked market during slavery was the field of owning crops worked by laborers. Again after slavery ended every aspect of any independence off the plantation was removed to maintain being disempowered fully dependent on commerce as a dependent buying consumer while owning no physical home space. There isn’t a major large city in America with community cow housed locally that neighborhoods blocks recycle and each get their milk from directly. Different stores deliver plastic filled bottles regulated plant production with projections determining consistent restocking or filling shelves. Disposable wasteful packaging cannot be avoided.
Any product even if one’s material source is internal self supplied somehow for sale this product or anyone making business needs a reliable supplier of whatever is needed as in packaging or ingredients especially examining volume increases and unforeseen growth. The actual metaphor of milking a situation is amplified examining the term. Milking the situation is taking advantage of someone. Black people have had advantages taken and been financially excluded on every level from developing prosperously as a group including basic daily survival. This milking has been leveraged income ten times over or more than a single black family. This $10,000 annual income to a $100,000 annual income really makes huge leaps if that single family makes $30,000. The numbers alone force every two parent black family to educate their children with driven focus to somehow never produce a failure family by being a superstar success. And if anyone closely examines only celebrity or star’s children access the arena for real longterm accolades and longterm financial rewarded gains. At the same time Black Professionals the over achievers like attorneys and lawyers plus other top fields use the race card trailblazing only for themselves as unique the only deserving six figures recipients.

The United State’s National Gallery in Washington DC houses owns the only American owned da Vinci painting titled “Ginerva de Benci.” It is a small oil painting of a woman who had a notable reputation for brains and seduction. If any examine or analyze the pose it is opposite as a mirror viewing the Mona Lisa. This 1470’s painting is loosely called the National Gallery’s Mona Lisa. In total there are less than two dozen Leonardo da Vinci oil paintings that exist. This painting faces the right where Mona Lisa faces the left. This leads me to believe the woman may have held opposite stature. The biggest gap in Art History during this time period for me observing trends and patterns is there is little documentation about the goldsmith or jewelry makers. In this time period any artist had every skill not just one like just painting or just illustration or just sculpture etc. Leonardo was the name of a studio group given the volume and size of all his works. He had a successful studio holding an all material access with many hands working following his plans using different levels of skills.
In America the African was housed and used for specific skills knowledge of every different valued level. By the mid 1800’s a system of dealing with runaway slaves was determined using a metal slave badge. The slave badge was numbers that identified the skill and the tax number for the owner. It didn’t last long but it openly established to any owner viewer the slave’s capacity and worth instantly. Savvy slaves who caught on fast were able to secure buying their freedom. (Modern view: The badge concept was adapted into social security numbers by President Roosevelt. This is the upper middle lower categories of lifestyles. Every black person is socialized to desire upper class even if they don’t pursue it or live trying to obtain it.) And if this badged enslaved hand were to get out of hand or pocket in any public setting the disrespectful disruption could be accounted for reading the badge. Determining if demeanor was appropriate or runaway or to simply determine the loss if the slave was killed/murdered. Juneteenth emancipated slaves but prior to that there was a distinct color blur of slave/master mixing meaning there were slaves that looked extremely white. This passing looking white slave is the only really body of slavery that was given any actual freedom.
There isn’t endless information about white slaves. Most white people are not open to admit a single black person is in there family unless visible now present day or that person is famous. The two top women known as activist as runaway former slaves are Sojourner Truth and Harriet Tubman. American functions in binary terms two different women working different areas during roughly the same time period. Their ages separated them and their location or region. They had similar quests but I think Sojourner was a more savvy given her name choice and selling her image. The last two hundred years have been so honed focusing on restructuring acceptable black as super light as only biracial that no one none has accounted for the fact that there are already black people mixed with so many other cultures/races. Being a mixed tribe the only option to identify a complex identity is to define oneself is as black or African American.
The reality is that President Obama and other citizens that actual have a single African parent are the only African Americans is never discussed. This label fits any black but it doesn’t empower anyone to the level of privilege and status that President Obama experiences. He is a token black man that has power money and a seemingly perfect family. He can think as a black man but he did not liberate or improve black people as a whole by any acts becoming President Obama. He couldn’t in reality because the actuality of black people is a varied pack we do not all agree or have the same agendas just as humans all have varied ideas. His first position serves as a precedent that the African American male can be “anything“ in this country.
Leonardo da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man drawing is a full body self portrait using a square and a circle. He wasn’t the first person to use or display this idea. He acknowledged the Roman architect Vitruvius as the source. He refined a shared idea expanding it and making it his own using shading depth of form tissues muscles as close to perfect ideal for a realistic portrayal. The astrological design of a natal chart originally was inside a square format and it was expanded into the current circular form dial usage. The one figure missing from circular astrology until recently was Ophiuchus. There is an Ophiuchus Man and I have blended the image with Leonardo’s natal chart to amplify his ascendant sign in Sagittarius reviewing the very first image presented herein.
Leonardo da Vinci spent a lot of time building several sketchbooks that display his observations and focus reconstructing life’s anatomy. Inside this English word anatomy is a word that is attached to enslavement’s transition to freedom the word is “TOM.” This concept of a Tom is basically a copycat that pleases those who hold authority and power. The notion of a Tom was developed in depth reading the book Uncle Tom’s Cabin. This narrative was written by a white woman so it was expanded into every media and form possible during it’s time. The word Tom has real meaning because black people are expected to be content as the poorest living on the bottom. The word bottom ends using the actual word Tom. The word bottom has bot as a prefix using the same letters ending the word robot as well as the homophone making the prefix bot sound exactly as bought.
Africa’s descendants in America have been fashioned as consumers who can sell out their identity and awareness to solve and repair dilemmas that amplify the inequities as unique trailblazers or the first to do something making a record and notoriety. Leonardo imagined solutions building warfare equipment to defeat and end battles. His basic imagination has not been surpassed because the capacity to be a casual observer of life has been structured fully just into being care free. America’s current driven intent now is being a productive savvy consumer.
Today the majority of creative types can be and are any and everyone all who want to be paid contracted as famous. This competitiveness to be financially secure has completely removed self sufficiency and independence as real goals. There is so much apathy and misinformation people cannot even process the meaning of any empty space or actual purpose fullness in archaic shaped forms. The intent paying bills securing lifestyle or developing a career do not cater to the meaning of a circle square or triangle. The reality that the US or American social security number is developed from the slave badges doesn’t matter because someone would acknowledge what President Roosevelt did and analyze the time and space of why he did such openly. The fact that da Vinci died without wealth and love is perhaps a false story. Perhaps he had limited space to negotiate himself knowing the outcome was a myth and he was only able to contract himself out because he had been given the sublime positioning to create illusions.

I think it is important to understand that looking at Leonardo’s natal chart his birthday’s sun sign was ascribed as a Taurus. Today his actual day’s birthday would make him an Aries if alive. The earth is not fixed stagnate. The entire planet is a moving organism. Simplest analysis reveals every molecule including outer space and stars shifts making patterns. Things have been removed as adjusted to simplify comprehension and make ease. We experience what we believe. If a person believes in multiple ways of doing things they will experience just that. The conscious mind will only allow a person to see what they can handle at that moment. The unconscious will fog the subconscious mind from making cognition of any image or information unless it believes the conscious mind can handle everything that is involved processing the information. This is how people do things saying they don’t know while others think that they are simply lying.

The last observation that I want to add since this is written using very broad paintbrush of word mashing ideas across time. Leonardo da Vinci was heavenly influenced by Buddhist Art given his exact usage of the unalome which is a Buddhist design form. (The unalone made complex can be seen in his iconographic painting’s frame ”Salvator Mundi” dated loosely between 1499-1510.) Christopher Columbus was supposedly lost at sea accidentally encountering the Americas. The story built is that he was looking searching wanting to find Indian spices. I am simply finalizing this writing asserting given the entire slave system sailing Oceans that Leonardo da Vinci traveled far and wide. I assert heavily that he had access and he obtained that Indian spicy flair that was desperately sought after because his works navigate a display of the widest vocabulary dissecting life as a single observer able to make anything.
As a day dreamer I add all this ties into an intentional present calendar leading into April 20th known as 420 being not only a designated smoke up a lung using cannabis day but Adolph Hitler’s Birthday as well.