Hollow Cost. A stale delight of almond butter matched with grape jelly. None of these item were purchased or bought. These three things were free. I chose to assemble it as such and eat it.
Reflecting upon my own 38 years of experience of a field that I hold two degrees in as an expert doing whatever I do in Art I need the most advancesd cutting edge Civil Engineering PhD degree just to be heard properly at the City of Berkeley table. No not just this City any table officially. This inability to hear me is Passim Law being used against me intentionally. This means actual racist slavery based bias is used openly against me ongoing. There are current official legal constructed entities that are vague set buy design. These institutions/foundations actually only communicate loosely about Educational Art purposefully using the most empty wording as imagination plus and or beauty. Art is Mastery of Nothing. It is a business making anything available to teach share invigorating stability and growth. The overlooked problem is that there is no growth only shamelessness and lack of care. People seem to feel comfortable overlooking the rising crime. This is evidence that there is the lack of care despite what is visible everywhere. There is no stability. Harvesting children's creative endeavors is seemingly innocent. Gross sellout is a business objective. Pretty doesn't mean anything. There are no jobs. Art business shares are insulated to amateurs who hold wealth already. There is no point to go to school but to learn how to hangout with other people. Why would people build a share of anything but what they would actually throw away in the very first "smart people college town?" I would ask any reader to reflect upon "Sanford and Son" a black television show about a junkyard man written by Paul Mooney. Never have seen it? Google any episode to understand. This is not humor it isn't funny and there is no joke. This local daily existence is a real mean means present business driving or pushed experience living in the City of Berkeley, California. If the object is to blight exactly me as a black person how can I achieve any stable income whatsoever? Additionally I'm not settling my worth of my education my ability skill or talent that is my creative knowledge or authority. This cannot be compromised to appease people who reduce me and don't honor exactly whatever I do.
I cannot be less than I am to people who don't understand how their efforts are destructive in place. And most importantly the creative impetus (remove me from this equation) is disrespect precisely overlook using what is available already established under foot in mass building any business or financially support intentionally. This gross net created is a waste making nothing the sum of whatever totals are future projected goals. To stop this horrendous abuse the first step is people have to be made hyper aware.
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