I am traumatized to the limits imaginable by any. Any typos or errors are due to this information being too close to my soul. The pain is real. My blood sweat and tears match each letter reviewing the count. I am stripped of everything I have aimed to make for myself as a life worth living.
It is actually a professional method for a journalist to remove themselves and write about disparity presenting the details of any worthy news. The reality is these writers stick their polite feet into the presentation of information so deeply that the only thing that emerges is more apathy. Currently I live in the City of Berkeley. Personally I find it fascinating that the Chief of Police and the Head of Section 8 Housing are both temporary filled positions or key slots.
Since 2005 I have lived in the City of Berkeley. It may or may not come to surprise that many Southern raised folks reside in Berkeley. Dolly Parton has a reading program issuing preliminary reading books for infants and toddlers. My survival being hinged to the Chief of Police and the Director or Head of Housing because both would have to hold priority concern for someone like me to be safe and thrive as an actual citizen.
The dilemma is there is no improvements or safety while living in South Berkeley being on Low Income Section 8 Housing which is Affordable Housing. Riddled with murders meth/illegal drug labs and rapists are a few perks describing my neighborhood’s two block radius appeal. In 2006 my son was immediately kicked in the testicles as a six year old so I knew then raising my untrained Waldorf student was in for ugliest troubles. Today that home schooled six year old is a twenty-two year old black man who was born and labeled identified at birth as white. A star child spaceman he is counting five murdered family and friends. He is wounded and bitter dealing with humans without any of my biases.

Made in March 2022 Roach Tee Shirt Design inspired from the deterioration of my own family.
I have been writing my ass off and making art to educate those around me because there is a reason people are drunk in disease and despair. Poverty is cornered as useless and stupid. Basic logic and math are required. I applied for a PhD in Ministry because I rely upon a very big God concept as a spiritual believer that is undefined officially. I believe in everything everyone and any type of worship. Unfortunately the reality is so abysmal that I actually need more than one PhD to process my prescriptions as a doctor. I need to reapply for PhD degrees in: Quantum Physics Psychology and Business (in unison with Ministry).
The baseline legal problem that presents Slavery into modern day living is Louisiana’s Passim Law. This Berkeley civility practice judging humans is why the black identity has a confusing mixture of colorless exploitation that’s never addressed reviewing buying into biracial identities. I can speak of such handlings because my Sacramento born Grandmother explained her dilemma being half Italian with her mixed black Indian mother being murdered in 1936 protecting her sexuality.
I moved to Berkeley in 2005 to go to school to successfully obtain my Master’s degree in Art & Consciousness. What happened is the local private advanced Art Academics Institution collapsed financially. The public Academics bought out the Institution of Private Art. Then the application of method and approach for professional Art was stripped into the marketing for the Undergraduate Science. The slogans are simple touchy feel good bits like “Find your path.” The labyrinth of consciousness for current programs has to have a sourcing. All the research is tucked away. The easiest basic educational requests like needing my transcripts is an actual maze of a task because of this 2008 financial collapse. The first time I needed them they never arrived which thwarted or threw the pursuit behind or off for a year.
Now my housing has become such a CAL alumslumlord from hell with me moving with roaches I have to scream out by writing this. I just signed a lease with a bug release for only bed bugs and my alumslumlord didn’t even sign this page. Meaning there’s no line for him to sign the page his referencing the bed bugs statement is towards me. He demanded $4,448.00 deposit without evenly presenting me any interest accounting of my previous two deposits as a refund. I mention this because he has convoluted his ownership to just property management despite his own family investments operating such.

Under so much stress and strain any can see I signed 10 versus 11 for the month (every page) trying to date this rental agreement document shown. My spider senses were unglued. As I write this my face feels like a bug's single hair is moving walking on my face. Photos taken November 12, 2022. Neither Housing Authority nor Oakland Eviction Defense Center have responded since making inquiry within this week.
I just watched this man ignore my request to create a roach infestation solution prior to all my things being moved in. And experienced pure forced intimidation threats using fines and charges to move all my things in a very short time single handed. He then hand med me a single room packet of sticky corner adhesives and dumped 5 pounds of poison behind my refrigerator and stove as a viable roach infestation solution. He had the nerve to blame tenants stating it is impossible to coordinate with everyone to create any resolve. I had to think how could other Section 8 tenants just except this crawling daily nightmare? My answer is a low credit score. If everyone in this building has the worst credit they will accept living anywhere anyhow. From the looks only two tenants out of ten are not on Section 8. Both tenants are from other countries English is probably a third or fourth language for both household units.
I don’t have a bad credit score. And I am disgusted that my under the table break even business is ruined by not being housed safely ever in this man's dynasty. I am horrified that I exist in the real Slave System that allows this owner to exploit my creativity and my culture. My landlord designs hosts sponsors a Jazz Festival in Hong Kong. This man has turned my initial 6 years of annual advance rental payments into his spoils making my own demise using crippling placements at a financial loss to me. Not only can I not set up my equipment all is infested with the worst bugs. If I hadn’t applied for the $10,000 Artist Relief fund and in May 2022 only received $8,000 I could would not know anything whatsoever.
Being shorted when the money is suppose to assist is the worst bias any can experience. I am glad I took the last of the money and bought Lego products. I had considered purchasing a 9mm pistol and a handgun license because I cannot make a life worth living as is. I have a $60,000 BFA: Sculpture degree and a $90,000 MA: Art & Consciousness degree. My life and everything anything I assemble is valid because I am deeply invested using every particle precisely and correctly defining myself as limitless. I have no rights or value as a human being. There are no legal services to value my needs improving my life.
Every law for my benefit and protection as a Section 8 recipient has no accountability whatsoever. I have gone online and dealt with Federal HUD already. The worse wrist slapping that Berkeley’s Tenants Union could muster against any owner/landlord conducting criminal activity against any tenant low income or not is a $1,000 dollars fine. This ridiculous low dollar amount encourages any owner to exploit all residents. My alumslumlord has boldly claimed that he is untouchable. He told me I said something twice about the roaches making him mad.
As if I am suppose to please and make him happy satisfied being placed into an fully poison based eco system. Given that I requested to move three years ago and this same apartment was available two years ago I am suppose to be mentally broken made beyond deficient that he has complete control over me and my things holding me a ransom with paying excess for two years especially under COVID-19. He is charging an extra $1,000 off the lease for parking creating favoritism for those who can pay. I am living in a rental prison system conducted by my Berkeley CAL alumslumlord who doesn’t reside in town. My local in town success is a threat. My only viable solutions are: to loose everything walk away from tools equipment everything I have ever owned or somehow relocate out of state and country or die living like this.

Image of Dionysus layered with a photo of Lego Boost Water Rabbit Robot holding Lego Cobra.

Lego Boost Water Rabbit Robot wearing shades holding (crochet 5th Element geared) Lego LOLDOLL and Lego Cobra all made by the author.
Written five days beforeThanksgiving 2022. I would like to request that any reader understand that the Section 8 Program was designed locally in Berkeley CA and is a partnered program with gentrification stripping black housing living home and identity from a historic redlined neighborhood intentional reinforced by all City Council Members. A law was made effective to protect Section 8 tenants as priority rental citizens. However there is no protection pursuing a new renting nor living under hostility let alone actually being attacked.
No Council member can discuss past or present racism while other Council members use is currently in practice against actual citizens. A one high school town educates/raises inclusionary exclusiveness ongoing. Black politicians are black elitists who paint white fence washing any and all circumstances. It should be noted racism is politely addressed never being handled throughout all documented American History legally. This is how the system appropriates things that are community good for example like in the last century locally Headstart a Federally funded program initially was the Black Panther's Breakfast & Lunch Dinner Meals Program. The whole system is riddled to bug and exterminate anyone like me. Pursuit of bettering self the single black woman who is the black family alone is destroyed twice over first.
Edit: December 1, 2022 I am adding this image i made because if Berkeley Tenants Union feels comfortable using a Superman comic strip based logo any should process the property owners owners kryptonite monopoly mystery machine fit as well.

January 2, 2023 found this email...

This email doesn't even address it is illegal to be living under such conditions living in California using State Law let alone written about vacations setting up shop being absent.
There are different types of racism and minority groups can use each other to maintain keeping castes. This vacation idea is a normal working luxury and this doesn't address finding roaches before moving in.
