Personally I need any reader to understand that any little thing I do is examining all aspects & variables involved. This wall continually presented herein isn’t about like my Art. This wall is about time business money and ongoing nonstop disrespect. As I scribble these thoughts into words I have to weigh out adding speech bubbles because the entire area has been reduced to ignorance is bliss in attitude processing anything. 1865-1985 the key of humans innovation has been cocaine and the term “coke.” This is the number one off the table make-up tool of the entertainment industry and the like.

Personally after trying to hike to the Big C unsuccessfully every day this month of July. I can say this hill is the original stair master exercise. Walking from my South Berkeley residence to this campus overlook is a 3.5 mile hike that is incredible but hard meaning difficult for me with a damaged right knee.
The walk up the Lawerence Science Center is filled with incredible sights and incredible people. The man picture is named Billy an informative wonderful soul claiming hippie resident the last 47 years. A super smart man who instantly shared his wisdom while holding his handmade pinhole glasses. As a CU Boulder alumna I am used to seeing this conviction and I was curious as to why he looked confederate while clearly a hippie. He conveyed some Science that requires a whole other entry.

Seeing that the former police Chief August Vollmer wrote the global book on policing I thought it was beyond telling that he co-wrote the book pictured above titled with all letter C words. Published by the same entity that made the German Dictionary Funk and Wagnalls Crime Crooks & Cops is a business. The first Chapter in this book is “Crime Detecting is an Art.” 1865-1985 is a clear timeline to discuss how the poorest class of people are drugged under the carpet and the top wealth colorless pops BAYER Medicine. There are pills to ignore the actual headache of inhumane dynamics fabricating what is going on & projected as prospering future business. What I am conveying is community convictions closely concisely circling crabby nature that conduct and convey Chemistry’s cancers.
Note: this was written 07/24/22 and back dated to 07/19/22 to emphasize the unknown holidays that occur that day. Also to use the 120 years presented as a 1/3 of a full circle of ideas totaling 360 degrees that all humans need to amplify financial investments versus assuming all poor people are criminalized elements that deserve abhorrent treatment.