Endure We Tows: Ate/Eight Ball

Read this online article: https://www.brookings.edu/blog/order-from-chaos/2022/02/22/organized-crime-is-taking-over-mexican-fisheries/amp/

This smaller pictured taco truck is less than ten blocks away from the Taco Sinaloa Truck in my neighborhood. Notice the silver paint behind the truck and to the left in the business that operates here as well. I painted the Taco Sinaloa truck wall to thwart the actual graffiti taggers.
Lupe the owner of Taco Sinaloa or one of his workers left his generator the first night I painted the wall. He is such a great guy he handed me fifty dollars and then took the money out my hand and handed it to this homeless man who calls himself Genghis. Real South Berkeley businesses do not care one bit about the actual people that live near their establishments. Simple they are here to make money off the people who can afford to be patrons. Patriotism is very exclusive patriarchy.
A lot has happened. I’m still stomaching being fully emotionally triggered intentionally by Daniel at Spiral Gardens Community Food Project. Point blank I expressed I do have several issues. I believe his intentional response calling me sick and mental is unfair given the homelessness and actual mental health issues that black people bare as an unfit burden.
I just want to reemphasis there is a Bro Code operating businesses. The best example was when I initially bought the first batch of paint I purchased from Pigment in Oakland which was a aerosol paint specific store. The owner his first name Christian was thinking I was painting this wall to eat off this taco truck for free. Needless to say I had to buy the rest of the paint from Blick in Berkeley. I named that painted wall
🆔inner Characters: Last Supper.
And my point in making this additional edit is that Pigment no longer exists which is a real small business shame. And I am emphasizing the Bro Code. Christian thought I wanted free food. My intent is education for all ages we are looking at the alphabet backwards. And a bunch of characters from 1865-2022.
“Some where I read; sum wear eye red.”
