Racism is a fast sport. Simple speed it is tracked game that operates denial. People are conditioned to know racism is wrong. If a person of color says they experienced racism the racist simply states they are not racist and that ends the story. This denying is how this problem has festered into what could be deemed as a nonstop ongoing conundrum. Today on Facebook I posted in a private group that has 30k members the image seen below. The green field background with the words black red gold green. The comments are shown.

I have removed the names of the other two people. They are not to be judged personally because this banter is not isolated to them exclusively. This is a massive problem I am displaying. And this is a very obvious example to any that care. These two people are just operating normally exerting their privilege. A man T has the blue dot comment. A woman CV made the black dot comments.
Both these people felt comfortable writing out comments telling me what I should do communicating using my devise on social media. The post was simple Black History colors and there are no emojis. There was an attempt trying to “correct” me on my own post that is always problematic for anyone. The point of how this racist is the half joking humor. The first line I put exerts strength showing the words: pump up.
People need to understand that just because someone marries a black person that doesn’t stop them from being a full blown nasty racist. Racism is very basic. Racism it is pushed using jokes and the blame is cast towards the person of color who operating ignorance meaning they should be told what to do. It is that simple. Racism denies instantly without any thinking. It should be emphasized there was no need for CV to describe herself as an old ass white girl. That self description acknowledges owns her limitations being fair. Again the names are removed so that any can read without placing any judgements.
Closing perspective I would like to extend personal experience revealing that I have been censored by this group several times. Unbelievable to me because it is a group that is focused displaying comedy and awareness specifically. The only solid rule is no politics. The worst experience for any I have been made the bully wrongly. A clear overt bias was used making me the outcast pawn to maintain dynamics.
This written entry or blog post is just an example to display how these battles are actually conducted. This example portrays my skill of being somewhat intelligent attempting sum Black History Month Awareness with some really stiff old white people who think their seriousness presents hilariously funny. The best part was the written projection imposing that I am trying to teach profound wisdom but no one will listen. Lucky I am not trying to engage any as a voice; I am just exposing reading comprehension is used poorly.

I have edited this because I attempted to post this to this Facebook group Saturday February 26, 2022 seeing we are all at the end of Black History Month:

I would have presented these two worded concepts as seen in the comments had the image seen above been allowed.

Duet Video posted online to both TikTok & Facebook:
“Baby Dial🆙🆗👌01-26-2022
Babies know (only today’s) two days Black History.”
Left dependent on hearing nonstop errors the homophone that’s Black History’s punchline is the one making “won day.“ How does this video flip manipulate racism out harmless using funny seemingly innocent presentation seen as a joke? It is no joke that black lives have played been un•cle (a French key) beaten (b•E10) feeding others like cannibals.
Mastery of the fake laugh and a heavy sigh let’s hope this tiny boy was calling about holiday food at grandma’s house probably copying his dad. However each viewer is going to pull their own references to what they think the inquiry of “what they be eating at that place” speaking to a black woman means. The baby’s final closing last word is priceless.
And edited 02/28/2022 another video way more popular than mine: