Expressing my being on mixed land as independently as possible.
1862 Spanish speakers battling those using French tongues. Homophones? Very mixed up this all sounds ports ewe geese. This post holds some historical things that I’m reviewing currently that don’t seem connected by others readily that may relate to perhaps only me.
I live in California in Berkeley. Berkeley as a defined word means grove or forest of birch trees. The upper class top notch wealthy private school that I attended was once located on Birch Street. The new address of this modernized remodel private school is on Clermont Street and that mirrors Berkeley’s local large upscale hotel & spa named The Claremont. (Everything lies upon a replicating map just examine that there are 14 cities that identify named Berkeley around the world). Colorado and California Universities were established at the same time using the same genocide/extinction intent techniques. Both campuses have slaughtered species mascots CU (Buffalo) and CAL (Bear) that were killed to fortify the campuses alumni futures. Colorado has the Cannibal Alferd Packer story that minimized local longterm real growth. California embodies an expansive growth thus it has been using cannibalism as a function understanding popularized daily culture.
To process this website with any real depth of meaning one has to accept that every particle of existence on the planet is actually connected. Also I have assembled seven other information packed websites that connect to this one. Universally there is a common single thread that bonds everyone and everything regardless of what anyone thinks. There is an overlooked complete disrespect for the economic lower caste system which makes it impossible to progress while actually giving back to one’s own roots. The only option is to advance selling out where one has come from and replicate this competitive business that is pursuing either a larger company buyout or more expansion using exchange never giving back to origins. It called moving up advancing or a raise elevating status sometimes called a big come up or living large.
January 2021 the local online news source’s founder wrote an article ambiguously making me the article’s racist for cutting a Halloween skull mask in two pieces and placing them on a bronze sculpture. Under lockdown and COVID-19 where black people have been blamed as top carriers dying the mask was mirroring any coverings worn by humans as a facial mask. This mask was on the face of the State’s first Black Legislator but this human when he was alive was worried about black people’s health as his own personal business. The City’s Arts organization’s representative confirmed that my 2021 masked action was disrespectful because they asked some black people at some nonprofit. I responded to the City that the organization doesn’t care about the facts that black people are being murdered or dying and blamed under COVID-19. In fact we are under annihilation as in I am experiencing human extinction actually counting murders. And there is agreement with it doesn’t look good as in neat cute or fun because that was not my intent. My intent was simple education raising hopefully some small awareness.
Within a local city’s normal ten block radius or limited perimeter is the bronze statue my dwelling in an apartment and San Pablo Park. The two house photos presented herein are two black owned houses that are on opposite parallel streets that frame San Pablo Park. This large South Berkeley cornered nook of community turf is where Arthur Ashe practiced because he experienced so much racism at the tennis courts on CAL. Both these houses have death headstones graffiti portraits on the front facings like decals as curbside appeal. This is the most silent scream evidence we are being openly destroyed. In the last six years I have my own count of three local murders and really good wealthier black neighbors intentionally attacking trying to harm and destroy me. Racism exists right now. It is a cannibalism where a rich person denies and poorer one any legitimacy. It is where poor people destroy a friend who is advancing too quickly. It is money maintaining that status before honoring or valuing experience or recognizing any violations exist to a poorer or lesser one. It is having equity established in any institution prior to realizing black people deserve reparations payment for being the lowest caste treated like crap deserving broken things and leftover scraps the entire timeline that has been written Globally which is worldwide not just isolated just viewing The Americas. It is pretty sick math that the basic value of a decent good valued American life is $50,000.
When I attended the private school mentioned the most favored teacher who took 6th grade students on special trips posed one of George Berkeley’s quotes randomly placing a red queen chess piece in my mind. It never meant much until the source was check mated locally in the last three years but it always struck me because she pulled it out of no where to the conversation that I could reference then. Today, the connection makes perfect sense to me because I actually experience today in Berkeley California overt racism and unbelievable phenomena of the immaterial at the same time. No one would know the cut of my story if I didn’t write the bizarre sounds out. My personal experience is fortified because that teacher knighted me sparking my imagination to a crest of Latin meaning pursuing something stronger than imagination honoring of the highest worth valuing myself. Today, I am the only person who holds a blade making that cut meaning because that private school doesn’t sell a motto to believe in protecting. That school’s basic integrity is loopholed their open agenda to creatively using the most generic thing that isn’t defined by wealth at all called “Imagine Data.”
Money doesn’t generate ideas it is only capable of backing financing things. Rich people cannot consider poorer people’s dilemmas like cash under the table especially if a less than perfect life is riddled with horrific traumas. My life is parked as a giant gold pyramid built here as race1 because I am way more than just an artist. I am thinking Globally and I am examining Philosophy and Finance as well as basic norms as to why things do not work for me and others who unlike me do not possess skill ability or vernacular. We are one race of people that have to know everything effecting others and stop limiting and denying others experiences as thwarting uncivil or less than desirable because somehow it doesn’t seem pleasing or valuable fitting scheduled outcomes. The role of cast castes has been bottom played by darker skinned toned black peoples. A kill with ease is placed on all black men’s heads. Group Perspective collectively we are beyond sick of being disgusted and tired being intentionally marginalized. The truth isn’t easily swallowed we read and write super smart now. It has been way easier for people to say they don’t know versus build basic compassion and give out additional math to assist others build. Here in California the best the brightest potentials are completely destroyed before even growing up and everyone is after the fastest get over to make any money. The youth are stuck creating movements of high fee and stoop ID. The town’s silent unspoken motto, “Hustle screw use pay those leaders a lot who give up nothing usable.” I would love to generate new ideas but it cannot happen until we contend resolving the old leveraged one sided limiting habits and isolate excluding others patterns. I actually need a PhD title just to be deemed as a valid using any thinking whatsoever. This is me testifying my truth independently I swear on this information in most top supreme court using a Bible. Only my parent Gods can legitimately judge me and inspire everything I do naturally. Somehow the wealthiest humans have avoided seeing illusions are made working together with others but imagine they could sustain a worthy life using the planet Mars.

A black owned business financed and housed the Sons of Revolution still functions as a protected landmark business today.
