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An Enter Galaxy Guide

Writer's picture: CEMooreCEMoore

Stevie Wonder is blind yet wrote an album of sound specifically for plants. And every adult knows his famous song describing a ribbon of love in the sky that is for our love. I am not going to assume how any see or read clouds let’s just agree upon the rays of invisible white light shown in the photograph taken yesterday Christmas Eve 2021 at 1:10pm.

As 2021 closes I want to begin by saying two words describe our current collective state of being: “Far Cough.” What is far cough? Far cough is a homophone of the surname of Lord Farquaad from the fairy tale cartoon Shrek.

The animated movie Shrek presents great metaphor to our current human situation. Humans have this unseen dragon & donkey mixed creature mating factor that only light skinned people who are mixed are valid black people. The idea and associations of black as identity is so hindered some members have changed the spelling to blxck to create dialog.

Shrek’s two plastic fictional characters donkey and dragon’s amorous breeding in the movie created a pack bat wing fire breathing hoodlums that don’t have any real belonging. This inability belonging is comparable to Robin Hood‘s crooks without any castles. The reality is black people are mixed already. The mix or blend shared defining blacks is more than just two races. The United States of America as a society is only capable of processing buy binary terms.

Dear open minded reader can any fathom that the dream world has some vacant inappropriate echos of abandonment? If every hip young savvy male is dreaming to be the best rapper how many actually succeed fostering this very real lucrative goal into a longstanding career. There isn’t room for every male to be a rapper but the delusional air black boys experience and breathe makes a lot of them focus exclusively and only there.

Why and how are black boys comfortable fantasizing to replicate someone else’s career? Envy is the name of the game that governs their lives. Black girls get to be butterflies or moths. The current female agenda is primarily pushing out domesticated monarch butterflies on a very solo agenda or trip. Moths are rare they are ready for actual silk production but don’t have the cultivation to weave much together solidly.

United we stand; divided we fall. Black people have a lot of double agents. What this means is that black people have no particular loyalty to one another. Everyone is seeking favoritism or being selected as super special and talented to receive favoritism. This favoritism under a guise of competition is slavery traits that have been carried silently throughout all time.

Most black people do not have access to the overall big picture that governs us all because surviving day to day carries enough complications. Every black person does not have a permanent life insurance policy that they can utilize creating infinite banking. In short, infinite banking is a way to borrow money using interest without offsetting the accounts value. This business building tool would be advantageous if black people were given access to viable careers and simply making real lucrative cash.

The movie Sorry to Bother You has many wonderful metaphors the biggest one is of turning the disempowered black male into a horse. The image I made seen below reveals other plot twists that relate to striving to prove one’s self worthy working anywhere.

Today humans here in America specifically California have been beyond eager to reestablish returning to the work force and join inside dining versus take home or delivery. The one thing that is over looked in all the nuisances of our new masked habits is that the poorest people are struggling with no income. Not only a load of unpaid bills some may have the complexity of finding new housing with no base income.

The real material goods is that every black person would willing overlook every atrocity ever done to any person ever to just mortgage owning a house. This basic general life goal owing a automobile and a house is set as the overall goal for anyone this is a standard that is colorless. The part that is over looked in all this glorified competition being the smartest best brightest most talented black person imaginable is that there is zero support returned to actual community. These great meetings of mind and events happen but no real substance but ego stroking is entertained. There is not full viability for all.

There are different levels of existence. Being famous entertainment music and sports are all competition based displaying the best of the best. Black people’s best has many distinctions inside the basic tier of rich middle class and poor.

Also there is a sugar coating this deprived economic layer that amplifies the whole awareness level cultivated by where one has been raised as an actual aware black person. I cannot make any sweeping generalizations to portray examples. I can make the comparison that is the exact understanding. That is black people are two types of folks those who have been killed violently compared to blacks who have never had a close friend or family murdered. No one has any real worthwhile compassion for this extreme death until it happens to them.

What I experience as I exist in here in Northern California is a blatant habit of openly and casually murdering people with no accountability. The seventeen years I have lived here I have not tallied the amount but I assure any the number is way too many people that are accustom to murders. This comfort is so much or so high they no one none have any reasoning to care that is the attitude. The reality of black on black youth violence is (is that no real police investigations happen) the murderer(s) will show up at the funeral and grieve with the family like they actually cared killing their friend.

Local creativity is stunted by a league of colorless straight and gender bending housewives hell bent on proving that they can make business in the Art Industry. As a black person who is formally trained in the Professional Fine Art Industry there isn’t a venue or group that I would feel comfortable showing art work. The scene is so ego driven limitations & no one can see there is a void. Secondary careers are all professional arts is and seems to be financing. Gallery owners post what they like. They are not concerned with any discernment. They promote only their sells.

Let’s imagine if the local hobby crafty celebrity news personality brings her commercial gaze into public art arena the art is no longer actually public art. It is showboating and fanfare highlighting a commercial artist aesthetics only. There is no regard for any actual real design or talent making art. The product is just a celebrity making amateur forms nothing exciting innovative or thought provoking even with local heroes as the subjects.

I think the television show the Boondocks really cast a shadow of sarcasm that glossed over the local 1990’s crack stricken and emotionally deprived area. The show’s black grandpa character private school educated raising his two grandsons whose back talk carried a vision and sense of self. The biggest problem overlooked is that the woman actor Regina King was the voice for both boy characters Huey and Riley. The local San Francisco Bay Area black male is only fully empowered seeking successful relationships with women who aren’t black.

There is a light colored skin preference and favoritism that is very old functioning very well. There is such a deep entrenched habit one has to recognize understanding it is from slavery and simply reflects the preference given when working near the slave holder’s big house. Again and in closing owning a house is the only way people can attribute having actual value made living their life.

Ultimately I’m not trying to target any individuals work choices or lifestyles because simply the damages are openly already done. Instead I am asking you open minded kind hearted reader to discern and imagine something better than what I am experiencing. Simply I want to make my dream business without the nonstop collective nightmares flaring up daily.

To describe this real horror I have made a great sacrifice of myself. That alone may seem foolish. My skill and my actual research requires me to honor it by applying truth and integrity. I could have pretended the black woman is a God and made singular glorified art for such showings the last few years. I was trying to make that work exactly for supporting someone else’s process not mine. The Universe made it impossible for me to participate in any of these shows. Truthfully I understand this very concept is fortified by doubling man as two powerful Gods, as well. So if I had participated I would have been lying to myself compromising my own knowledge of my own identity.

Personally I need intelligent viewers and I am not wanting my ego stroked. I am trained to elevate thoughts not pander myself before the actual works I produce. There is a real problem that hasn‘t been properly addressed or handled. This void intentional exists simply because some people actual need handlers to make any growth or financial advancements.

These final Boondocks images are inspired because fans remakes always lighten these two boys. Imagining real men I just wanted to darken them draw them like they maybe did some jail time and walk around just randomly talking to themselves. Have any seen the planetary alignments this month? As I write this our moon is cocked positioned waning in the astrological sign known as Virgo. Merry Christmas celebrate the holy sees Sun love peace and enjoy RACE1.

All digital images presented herein have elements found using Google and can be found using Facebook as well are all altered by the author.



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