Commercial covid-19 masks photographed with a mini Oxford Dictionary open to page 330 that displays the word “invent.” Invent is defined as design or make something new. The word “new” mirrors “knew” just depends on how versed one’s vocabulary viewing information is makes one an adept.
As I write this I look up and an ant walks across my living room ceiling. Aha, I see that Newton invented a lie about space and gravity that is taught openly as a belief. The physical evidence am witnessing in my space right now challenges Newton’s notion and validates this smaller printed definition that implies there is some lying.

When anyone can readily copy something that everyone needs it isn’t an invention. Think about the wheel barrel we have no idea where it came from because it is a shared necessity building things.
Fabric invention that is also technology can be applied examining any shoelace. The base form of a shoelace is a string but the woven composite endures being pulled over time repetitively. Shoelaces could be used for other things that usage hasn’t been defined as of yet. My son was wearing one as a belt for a really long time. I had a difficult time processing it then but today I fully understand his convenience wearing one marking his waistline.
When someone started producing wider laces than the standard shapes the concept wasn’t deemed any world announcing new provocative invention. The industry sells fat laces this is decorative item and there is room for inventory and merchandising.
Again any mask that isn’t hypoallergenic paper is deemed as a fashion fabric mask. Honestly I can’t stress how anyone who spends money really needs to examine what has been happening with the laser printing cutting and design fabric industry. Why? Everything that protects humans is fiber based materials either natural or synthetics.
How is perception of fibers off? The human body is designed to repair itself eating healthy foods. Something is bizarrely slanted if humans think they can out design the creator of all organic things. Truly there is no vaccination that will supersedes that death.
Vaccinations pharmaceuticals must be profitable. Is there a black company developing a cure or is this production reinforce maintaining leveraged economic oppression? Unfortunately no one is honest enough to be accountable. Tacit deals unspoken business is very dirty. Notice there hasn’t been a mandate demanding cleaning how things operate function or work.

William Byron Rumford was a pharmacist who established Fair Housing in my neighborhood in South Berkeley, CA. His efforts are surrounded by bold explicit businesses that amplify gentrification. My previous usage of Dr. Rumford and the concept of mask can be found here: