I’m not in agreement with the mind that wants to rip down statues and cut out things like words or banish removing people. I don’t think the efforts hold total merit. Why? History is attached and no one is honoring the information fully. No one wants to educate inform correcting the errors that have been weighed holding burdening weights. In fact, day to day real people don’t even honor their word in doing the most simple mundane things.
Above the Cottingley Fairies photographs.
These two images were formally validated as real fairies and then dismissed as a hoax.
Dismissive is the ban wagon.
I am presenting these fairy images because to see the fairies one must have a pure heart and actual believe knowing magic exists. Nature is magic one has to look close using a strong belief system. Mine my mindset is history based fortified by time respecting myths fully. Everything was built using that reasoning personally things are very conclusive and solid for me seeing that way.
I bring this fairy photos hoax to the forefront of my COVID-19 BLM Art because there is a woman in Academia who is trying to promote removal of the word Gypsy. The word Gypsy relies upon magic being real. There is karma from Gypsy Abuse no one gets to eradicate that data. Gypsy Fortune Telling made a curse somewhere in time and folks have to stand with how this shunning and removing words simply replicates racism. The day in and day out replication of racism is what has to stop and end. We are one people that is won when we respect each other fully. There is a huge problem because people have been told they get to believe whatever they want.
Globally we all exist using a rape chattel slavery system that educates how to self promote caring if one holds proper distaste towards others. That random distaste is a ban on real magic exchanged when cultures share loving one another.
Anyone can find my gypsy research making ghost divination cards:
There is an instructables link on the knotthefulldeck instagram link as how to actually make the cards.
There are Facebook pages as well.