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4 Love Jewels

Heru-Behudet 3 Fingers Ring
silver, shell, glass,black sapphire and shrinky dink wings 2010

Infinity Component
Infinity Component (front): Ankh Caduceus Chakra Navaratna Planetary Talisman pearl, garnet, sapphire, opal, emerald(left), citrine, peridot(right). coral, ruby, 18k gold wire and rivets, fine silver and copper September 07, 2010

Jewel Tara
silver and ruby 2014

Heru-Behudet 3 Fingers Ring
silver, shell, glass,black sapphire and shrinky dink wings 2010
I consider myself an Alchemist, a theurgist and a mere tool of the Omnipotent force that governs humanity.
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