The image Madonna drawn from The Book of Kells.
How does one describe something that existed before any person or current being was born? How can any really fathom the course of time without romanticizing some varaible or small facet. Today everyone wants to be the top using empowerment or emperor in charge. Pictured left is a ring holding chip diamonds there is no stamp or marking on the interior band. The turquoise are Persian color and appearance the lower and middle two are while the upper piece is present day modern mined Chinese turquoise.
The ring on the right is a ring made of 10 karat gold. Seven surrounding stones around a white central diamond all are the typical round facets that most envision when thinking diamonds. The seven green stones those are emeralds. The darkest less visible stone at the very tip is a purple diamond.
Both these rings carried there own lives and stories that can only be imagined because I don’t know the previous owners. Both these rings each had one stone missing when I got them. A lost stone typically retires an item. The left ring I don’t imagine the stone fell out. I think someone removed it to make another piece because the surrounding material gave that impression prior to replacing the void with the slightly larger stone. These are very tiny stones smaller than whole pepper seeds that sit inside a grinder.
The ring on the right my eldest son dug out the mud like a dog. The most bizarre thing I have ever seen a human firsthand do. My twelve year old dropped into some wet earth & dug deeply with intent like he was a metal detector and pulled up this ring. I waited several years before I cleaned it because it was so strange. It was so completely dirty caked with soil I thought the stones were sapphires the clean wash was a complete hidden surprise. The missing stone was replaced using a gem that was the accent in another piece that I made it was the accent in the tail of a silver dragon fly with opal wings.
The left ring would have to be analyzed to determine the exact age or time period that is was made in. I speculate the fabrication occurred between the 11th and 15 centuries a time before any Americas were discovered or commercially landed. I showed it to a European jeweler in the jewelry maker’s supply shop he assured me it was a replica. I don’t agree because the skill isn’t used at all it is marked and no one is flashing it as a cornered market on any of the Art Jewelry levels that I have seen.
The first step of this wet work is understanding even the most desirable items have undergone change while humans thirst to dominate and control one another has remained constantly unchanged and the same. What this means is humans are only looking at the best parts and discarding the very sacred essences that hold no visible real or readily available worth.
This author’s family tree is flatlined holding the surnames or last names recalled using FlipMcBird on my father’s side and Top County Engine Ear on my mother’s side unbeknownst to any more is better than many. Proof of their shipment is visibly draw outline viewing this slave cargo boat easily found using Google.
Any reader please associate the presented ring on the left with the chip diamonds as a mirror stone wall of watery eyes reflecting the boat image both present relevant information representing #giraffepussy for any and all those who can actually imagine the immaterial is crucial and real.
