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Engineering Evil

Writer's picture: CEMooreCEMoore

Updated: Jun 27, 2023

This is documentation about my perception specifically my experience witnessing the May 15, 2023 (the day after Mother’s Day) sentencing of sexual offender Tommy Giles.

May 2023 anyone can use Google’s search engine entering: “how does racism exist?”

Any can see (in the image above) that my online search results with the key word "still" included for this inquiry phrase example produced: a Stanford news source presenting 7 factors, Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream 7 bullet points racism is real, and the Australian Human Rights Commission where does it happen, as the top three results. These three sources all mean something to me as a researcher. There is a mirrored layout design of all actual cities allowing them to be mapped. Anyone can think of a major city with a Broadway a Main or even Elm as street avenue or road names. There is a comfort established in knowing these locations familiar names mark this is the way it is of how things exist or as how things have always been.

I have been waiting patiently for almost a year to see the sentencing of my former neighbor who was labeled last May (2022) as the Bay Area Serial Rapist. When this same man assaulted me two years prior Berkeley Police Officer Shivas wrote my report up as a disturbance. I didn't make the call to report a domestic disturbance. I told the police he knocked my phone out of my hand and the man threatend to kill me which is why I called. Any could see his married two car status has greater value than me a single black woman.

Black People are programmed to perform poorly and the Passim Law from the State of Louisiana easily allows for impoverished to be forced into the role of stupid criminals.

This man and his wife projected the perfect Sunday church attending black professionals who practice classical music. I knew that they were suspicious as a couple because he was willing to talk to me but she wasn’t. He basically asserted his conversation because he was holding status over the apartment's tenants like he was an on site property manager. Favoritism from my landlord imposing his household's laziness using two parking spaces violating their lease.

Despite what any: attorneys or lawyers, law representative or government official will admit everything is connected. Simply everything is on this planet and is physically connected using the concept gravity. What no one wants to admit is black people are not valued as regular humans whatsoever unless owning a house or a valuable car as primary visible assets. My living situation on Section 8 outweighs downgrades and disassociates my MA degree that empowers my thinking and physical ability. Thusly I know exactly how I am devalued and can articulate it despite being constantly inflicted with belittling traumatic treatment.

There are clear red flag indicating signals that someone is not holding or using decent or good values. I experienced two distinct incidences that subtly let me know to create real distance prior to being attacked by this man Tommy Giles. My current landlord operates a very subtle caste system using real ill psychological warfare. My landlord is a CAL graduate who would often harassingly joke that Mr. Giles and his wife should have their local home down payment/ "mortgage" already acquired. The apartment he lived in has a dead on view of the CAL campus and stadium so it was very easy for him to project that he had some collegiate aspirations.

However when Mr. Giles disrespected my education he failed living as an actual free person.

I personally witnessed a snarky fake laughter exchange between Giles and my landlord before he made an lesser unsuccessful violent attack. I just happened to be getting a stove delivered after battling with this landlord for several months with ineffective broken repairs.

As someone who understands business budgets and finances it appears that Tommy Giles only option to disassemble his financial relationship with his wife as a black man was to commit several horrific crimes. The expression is "to catch a case" with enough time to sit and work out do nothing growing old. He is labeled as a societal monster. Being the worst offender holds notoriety in jail. And he can workout his sexual perversions with other like deviant criminals. His violent sexual crimes don’t make sense to anyone who has normal goals or good functioning values. Business math is all I’m using to examine this scenario. I want all readers to focus on the business math of this scenario because that was the most telling part of the sentencing. As well there is a failure from this notary job handling finances. If we try to examine the basic stability making expenses prior to making the worst crimes. There is a $10,000.00 restitution which does nothing for four/five victims. So even these women and children’s sexual safety isn’t valued at less than $3,000.00 per person. And if the amount was $40,000 in total the judge I sure would have been exact dollar amount vocally clear to the record.

The entire system every aspect down to the actual courtroom is engineered designed intentionally to create blind spots for all participants except the judge. The defendant is tucked behind a conference room so the courtroom really doesn’t have to see the person. The courtroom for this sentencing had only people who wanted to see this case. I was surprised after everything was finalized to read the Public Defender's lips whisper she was sorry. The exchange of this apology is a like a hotel's complimentary turn down service when getting a 28 years sentencing as a predator. The fuzziest or the one blurry thing about the facts of what had happened is that the Berkeley police arrested Giles and he attacked another child in Albany afterwards.

Personally I have to remove all five victims out this equation and dissect all the profit bearing business math. People get married for all different sorts of reasons. This man was working as a mobile notary. A hourly wage with a document price value and mileage reimbursement. I think just processing these housing papers alone and realizing the 10x leverage profits that is shared exclusively excluding black people specifically is beyond daunting.

Without having a strongest education to understand how disparity is created and to combat it the numbers are complex foreign ideas if one is told just work hard. A person with $200,000 is going to resent a person with $2,000,000 dollars and neither of those people are going to respect the person forced to live on less than $20,000. In fact, the $2 million dollars owning person will distance themselves knowing they do not want to process any $20,000 dollar owner's scenarios. The person possessing $200 hundred thousand dollars will try to exploit use and control the $20,000 owner. Why? Because being a working human functions using shallow competitive narcissist practices as normal daily conduct.

I am writing about this incident not because the sexual predator was my neighbor and not because he attacked me and nothing was done. I’m not writing this because I was the person who made the police aware of his identity.

I am writing about this because I moved to Berkeley to make business.

I have been attacked twice and have had to move and pay out court fees by being attack by another favoritism functioning tenant. There is a whole complex system giving immigrants access over single black female families as far as validity communicating anything worthwhile.

I would like anyone reading this to consider may be to envision or have the capacity to process that there is no viable real viable growth if there isn’t a safe environment to live nurturing all beings.

In Berkeley there is an open agenda against black people that aren’t visually biracial paired or identity bearing meaning being light skinned. And the light skin looking people have a whole headache that keeps them focused on just being lightly colored people. It is sadistic cycle generational practiced programming that functions very well. That means living inside Berkeley's limits people's treatment functions off of discernible skin color preferences. This discerning gives light skin preferences first. Louisiana's Passim Law uses exactly these preference variables on everything spread passed and churned throughout all activity known as business interactions.

I am emphasizing the business aspects because actually attending this sentence hearing neither Berkeley Detective Samantha Martinez nor the District Attorney's Teresa Ortega acknowledged or respected me in that courthouse space with any dignity. There was no gratitude given for me as identifying this particular criminal or even just actually being presently there for this sentencing process. Their effort of energy exerted together was a condoned joint racism. I did the job too well making sure that my evidence of him was solid. The police don’t want social media solved crimes which is why they had to dump me and any variables because I was already upset about my assault being downplayed when I reported it. Any black woman is suppose to endure all and any every type of abuse is what both these women enforced by not speaking nor politely addressing me using a buddy system in the courthouse against me aka "The Good Samaritan."

The racism is real and these horrific evil acts are intertwined outcomes based off of maintaining poverty. All anyone has to do is review all the dynamics from 1978 of reporter Carolyn Craven’s sexual assault story in Berkeley. 1978 Black women were raped by one man & not a clue surfaced or was discovered ever. (A news link of this story is provided below). There is a pattern. This pattern means factors are engineered and finances obscure the data. Gentrification causes human extinction. People with million dollar house values do not care whose life was ruined while they maintain their livelihood & home as profitable overhead. I believe Tommy Giles was fixed on vengeance & intentionally was trying to destroy as many lives as possible. As long as all aspects of the black family are ignored as disregarded crime is going to keep rising. Apathy maintaining evil is mastery of an engineered plan based off not reading well intentionally learned being taught to all tots.

Floccinaucinihilipilification is not spoken directly it is an act or treatment.

There may be some future edits to this entry. I'm still trying to figure out how the means to explain to the general public a 408 day credit to a twenty eight year prison sentence that was held looming 350 days.

Here is the story written by the red headed bearded man pictured sitting in the back pictured above.

And here is an article about how the woman who took the picture that I saw and identified online feels comfy with his reduced sentencing doing her part.

Historical proof that actually emphasizes the sexual health neglect which is the story of why Asseblyman William Byron Rumford Sr. fought to operate his pharmacy in Berkeley.

Mona Chalabi is a journalist/artist and I have layered her original parking space to prison cell red lined grid drawing as a mirrored "L" shape comparison of my tailless squirrel image to show how the architecture of slave housing has been adapted using the milk and laundry forming the invisible wealth gap assembled dismantling slave housing. The combination of both images portrays the expressions it is all in the wash & milking it solid perfectly. These expressions are banter of lucrative means that display where historical invisible profits are presently gained from plantations freeing slaves. Also these are slave housing terms:

It is all in the wash. And milking it. Both condone exploiting "cash cows" using a "cleaner" having a homogeneous perspective.

There is a golden rule that makes decency. Criminals completely violate the rule. The golden rule concept from Vollmer book my citizen image in between and the index listing golden rule from Vollmer's book.

1933 William Warren Ferrier Berkeley California The Story of Evolution of a Hamlet into a City of Culture and Commerce.

June 24, 2023 I was contacted about both police complaints that I had filed online. June 27, 2023 I met with Sargent Perkins of the Berkeley Police Department and another official personnel I believe his surname was Jones. Two hours of questioning with no formalized outcome. I believe that is because the Department had to make an act as to not knowing this Passim Law since I had to address how it is being used ineffectively. And the reality is I explained that if I had not been treated so poorly as a Good Samaritan I wouldn't have had to investigate what specific procedure was being used making me less than an actual person. And my favorite part neither assured me I could validly use the system as a witness for protection. I believe I was articulately clear that their system's procedures are set so I could only be perceived as the actual criminal.



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