(random abandoned mask: This was then third time I have come across this geometric pattern).
Despite the disturbing numbers of deaths and the disruption of daily life the mask is a fashion statement. The basic suit is blue or white just like working class collars. There are visible variances of because the shortage of prefabricated medical masks ignited the sergers of home sewing. There is a problem that has been off set over looking the makers market though. It actually isn’t cheaper or cost effective to make anything that one actually needs as in requires. It costs a lot more to knit a sweater than it does to buy a sweater. The completion of anything knitted by hand is a luxury or therapeutic exercise using patience. Sewing a garment at home costs almost three times the amount compared to actually shopping for clothes intentionally. Any one going into business has to question how can one create a viable price point if the required basic materials are costly or difficult to consistently obtain. 2020 I have seen many masks stuck smashed alone in the middle of street considering that these masks art mandatory for any and everyone. Clearly people have a difficult time handling and hanging on to the little important variables that face everyone’s life right now.

The pink paisley mask that inspired Mad Made Mask’s logo.