Masks Up! Trying to cameo place Harriet Tubman on US currency, the $20.00 dollar bill is pure humor to this author because one needs to include Sojourner Truth, as well. Both women battled different territories at the same time. Sojourner was older and so she isn’t as sexy as a younger Harriet Tubman. Plus, black people are only half actualized intentionally focusing only upon one over the other.
Examine this image closely she is posed knitting. Silently repeat several times the word “bonnet” and let it drift aimlessly using imagination making homophones or other words using just the sound. Correct, textile woven loopholes this head gear not only hid the severe head trauma both women endured. This handmade amuse nurse maid cloth also communicates sexual trauma and the availability to be used. Black women are the planet’s top commodity.
Have any seen my heart felt mask? I can and do make anything I imagine using any material. Fabric of life togas roam in: the bonnet is schwag capping slavery racism rape & sexism. Imagine these textile mouth coverings have every sound muffled.