Yesterday was Sunday October 18, 2020 obviously that makes today numerically written as 10-19-20. I bring this up because I personally recognize my birthdate runs through time everyday twice. Why do I mention this? I am using date and time as a starting point because we as humans are conditioned processing that our birthdays occurs only once a year.
I celebrate myself 365 days with or without money. Currently under COVID-19, I am without income and neither political party cares. Millions of Americans are in this no income position I am only comforted that I am not alone.
Despite all that info of being broke, I attended a paint party at Rogue Mark Studios for making political signs. Here is the sign I made it reads,
NO-NO$ “Make some noise and get in GOOD TROUBLE.”
—John Lewis
As I left walking home, I found this Harriet Tubman twenty dollar bill in the middle of the street. These findings always tickle me because I walked the exact same path and I didn’t see this before at all. The design efforts used are remarkable.
Enslaved States is written huge across the top of this advertising for a website: The word States actual letters are separated using a lantern. Give me Liberty or Give me Death is used emphasizing there is a division.
The back or the reverse displays the abuse and the comfort that never must be forgotten. As a black person this rear view makes me cry I couldn’t causally spend this money making whimsical purchases at all.
Again, I’m writing about this because I have looked at this issue of the Harriet Tubman $20.00 bill and I have made my own art. I have examined the Enduring Truths which is a University of California Berkeley published book about Sojourner Truth. Personally, I think both women need to be put together on the same bill.
The phenomenon that is overlooked is that both these woman were functioning in different areas at the exact same time. And the most important factor is both these woman had unfathomable head trauma. This commonality of abuse is dropped and one woman is emphasized over the other while both are required to process our liberation and economic FREE dumb. Simply perceive the data of black people and commerce has a duality abused.
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